Sophie van Bakel




Fanatieke jonge dokter, maar ook fanatiek wielrenster. Op zoek naar het evenwicht tussen de werelden van witte  jassen en fietsen. 



The past few weeks were blog silent, again. I was busy working and training and mainly finding some sort of balance or rhythm between the two of those. And apparently, that still takes more energy than I thought. On the up side: working those crazy hours means building op loads of over-hours and vacation days. Which gave me the luxury of 10 whole, consecutive days of work this month. So naturally I did what most cyclists do in February: I arranged myself a training camp in Spain. With my dad. On a bike that’s not mine. ... Read More

Change the plan

As a cyclist and a coach I like to plan things out. A training plan gives a sense of stability and security. I thought about why one training succeeds the other and that way I can say to myself: no worries, just stick to the plan and it all will be allright.... Read More

Figuring this out

It’s a relatively easy sunday afternoon and I’m currently on shift 5 out of 7. It’s also the first week of january and the time of new years’ resolutions. So here I am: writing my first blog in English and still figuring out where I’m going with this. I think my new years resolution is to try and write something here every week, eventhough I already know that’s ambitious and probably not gonna happen. But so far, so good.... Read More